If you are a private or individual employer then click here for another Employers Form: Individual/Private

Details of the company/organisation

Job Location:

Personal Details of Representative of the Company/Organisation

Creating a New Vacancy

Enter the title for the job vacancy.

Enter the title for the job vacancy.

Enter the date from which the vacancy is to be advertised i.e. date the vacancy will be made available to jobseekers.

Enter the date on which the vacancy will be withdrawn from display.

Enter the date on which the interview will be started

Denomination :

To select multiple language press CTRL + click

Enter the total minimum number of hours to be worked each week. Any variation can be included under "other information" (see below). Hours offered should comply with current legislation.

Enter a breakdown of working hours eg. 9.00am to 5.00pm Mon - Fri, 2.00pm to 9.00pm Wed, Thur & Fri etc. or negotiable.

Enter the duties of the job. These should be clear and concise. Unfamiliar abbreviations should not be used. A hyperlink or reference to a more detailed job specification can be included in the "other information" field (see below). Capital letters should be used at the beginning of every sentence with one space after each comma, two spaces after each full stop and capitals at the beginning of person or place names.
You may find it useful before saving your vacancy to select the text in the Job Description window, copy (Ctrl C) and paste it (Ctrl V) into a blank Word Document. Spelling and grammatical errors will be identified and can be corrected and copied back to appropriate box (es).

By clicking this option you will only receive profile information of potential employees held by eimams. Enter clear instructions on how to apply for the job: e.g. where application forms can be obtained and, where completed, forms are to be sent.

Covering Note, Person Specification, Application Form
(RTF and PDF format) can be uploaded here

Select from Yes/No . If Yes then a further drop down will become available to you to select the appropriate pension type.

Indicate whether a monitoring form is required. A monitoring form can be uploaded here.

If an employer equality statement is available, it should be entered here and will appear under "other information" in the published vacancy.

It is strongly recommended that you (as employer) understand what legal check requirements is and when recruiting an individual for tuition or working with children and or vulnerable individuals, that they (employee) have legal check clearance.

Ongoing Contract

Ongoing contact will be maintained with you throughout the life of the vacancy. When the vacancy closes you will be asked to provide feedback information on the applications who have applied through a Jobs & Benefits Office / Jobcentre or directly via Jobcentreonline. You should therefore maintain records of the applications received and the outcomes.